Volume LOSS Concerns

Loss of volume affecting the face can occur due to a number of reasons, but mainly because of the natural ageing process. As a person ages, collagen within the skin begins to diminish which can cause the skin to sag, form wrinkles and experience a loss of volume. The fat pads under the skin also grow smaller, which can contribute to sagging and volume loss. Some common areas to treat are the nasolabial folds, cheeks, jowls, under eye area and lips. 

The results of this treatment can last anywhere from 6-18 months just depending on your metabolism. If you would like to find out whether this treatment is right for you, please book in a consultation via the button below.




To ensure the best results and minimise any potential side effects, please follow these aftercare instructions carefully:

- Refrain from touching, rubbing, or massaging the treated areas for at least 24 hours.
- Remain upright for at least 4 hours post-treatment
- Avoid exercise for 24 hours.
- Avoid applying makeup to the treated areas for 24 hours.
- Avoid consuming alcohol or taking blood-thinning medications (like aspirin or ibuprofen) for 24 hours.
- Avoid exposure to excessive heat, such as saunas, hot tubs, and direct sunlight for 24-48 hours
- Attend your scheduled follow-up appointment to assess your results
- Understand that it may take up to two weeks to see the full effects of the treatment.
- Refrain from undergoing other facial treatments, such as facials, chemical peels, or microdermabrasion, for at least two weeks unless advised otherwise by your provider.
- Contact your Registered Nurse immediately if you have any concerns.